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"I didn’t want the kids to see me broken. I didn’t want them to see me shattered. Their worlds had been turned upside down and I was their anchor. So I had to remain strong and capable in front of them, I didn’t have a choice. So mostly they didn’t see me cry. Except for this day. This day was different."

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“There was a time when happiness and joy were my state of being and emotions such as sadness and grief were just that, emotions that pass. Now my state of being is sadness and grief and emotions such as happiness and joy are just that, emotions that pass.”
August 1999

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"It took me a while to get my head around the fact that my daughter had been diagnosed with a mental health issue and the mother guilt that was associated with this was incredible. Was this my fault? Did I not pay her enough attention? Am I a bad mother? Is this because she’s a middle child? Is this because she has a brother with a disability? Did I put too much responsibility or expectation on her? The internal dialogue was incredible and kept going round and round in my head."
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About the Author
Kelly Ferguson is a wife, mother, carer, advocate and health worker. She has dealt with disability, trauma, PTSD and circumstances beyond the normal. Kelly is a mother who carried the burden of a disabled child, death of her mother and subsequent breakdown of her husband that resulted in a tragic accident that would see him rendered disabled and unable to walk properly for over two years. The family plagued with PTSD and trauma – Kelly had to support, provide and care for them. Kelly is resilient, strong and never gives up.
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